Carioca, 2013, Acryl and pencil on canvas, 55 cm x 33 cm

Carioca 2, 2013, Acryl and Pencil on Canvas, 55 cm x 33 cm

Mateo, 2013, Acryl and Pencil on Wood, 40 cm x 80 cm

Puseta, 2013, Acryl and Pencil on Canvas, 30 cm x 30 cm

Under The Moon, 2013, Acryl and Aquarelle on Cardboard, 50 cm x 50 cm

Under The Sun, 2012, Acryl and Aquarelle on cardboard, 50 cm x 70 cm

Im Koffer, 2005, Mixed Media in Suitcase, 80cm x 60cm